Growing demand for career counselling in schools

Cathrin Anthony - Tuesday 8th October 2024 | Become a career counsellor
School Career Counselling
School Career Counselling

Did you know? The Indian education system holds the title of largest in the world, with approximately 1.5 million schools. Yes, you read that right. Yet, how many schools actually have career counselling cells or dedicated career counsellors? In today’s competitive educational landscape, career counselling is no longer an optional service. It’s a fundamental concept of a school’s mission. Implementing high-quality career counselling services improves a school’s efficiency and reputation.

This article explores the growing demand for career counselling in schools. It covers the benefits, impact, challenges and how to integrate career counselling into schools. Additionally, it introduces you to one of the leading programs, Edumilestones Career Lab. This platform provides schools with tools to implement effective and structured career guidance.


Table of Contents


Growing Demand for Career Counselling in Schools

In India, the actual need of career counsellors is 1.4 million, while there are only 10,000 career counsellors currently. We need to address the glaring disparity between career counsellors. To bridge this gap, it’s imperative to begin at the school level.

Despite the CBSE board mandating that all schools implement career counselling, how many schools actually practice it? Schools that implement solid career counselling distinguish themselves in the competitive educational market. In a country like India, even economically disadvantaged families strive to provide their children with basic education. This fact highlights the importance of integrating career counselling into schools, especially in underprivileged communities.


Benefits of Career Counselling in Schools


  • Increased enrollment: As parents and students seek best support in education. Schools with career counselling will attract more enrollments.
  • Keeping pace with educational innovations: Career guidance becomes an integral part of modern education. Schools that invest in career counselling services remain to stay competitive and relevant.
  • Win-win for schools and parents: Career counselling process engages parents and strengthens school relationship with families. This collaboration boosts parental involvement and positions the school as a key influencer.
  • Reduces dropout rates: By providing a clear vision to students of career paths, schools increase the likelihood that students will stay and engaged. Robust career counselling reduces the dropout rates significantly.
  • Increased connections: Schools that offer career counselling establish partnerships with higher education institutions. These connections give students access to professionals who provide ongoing support.
  • Sustained success: Schools that help students to achieve their career goal build strong alumni networks This serves as a testament to school success rate.


Impact of Career Counselling in Schools


  • Public perception: Career counselling improves the community perception of the school. It shows that the school is committed to the success and well-being of its students. As a result, the school’s reputation improves, attracting the public positively.
  • Financial impact: Higher enrollment and retention rates increase the school’s profitability. Reduced dropout rates can lead to cost savings for schools.
  • Trust: Implementing career counselling in schools builds a trustful impact. This trust allows parents to depend on the school as a guiding partner in their children’s success.
  • Credibility: The school’s credibility gets increases with effective career counselling programs. Consistently helping students achieve their goals boosts the school’s standing in the community.
  • Branding: Positive word-of-mouth and strong community ties enhance the school’s brand. Schools offering career counselling manage to attain this easily.


Challenges Faced by Schools in Implementing Career Counselling


  • Finding qualified counsellors: Effective career counselling requires qualified professionals. Limited availability of career counsellors challenges schools to find suitable ones.
  • Limited resources: Schools may face limited funds to allocate for career counsellors. This directly impacts the existence of career counselling programs and the staff required for them. This challenge is especially common in rural areas.
  • Building trust: Building trust among students, parents, and society regarding career counselling in the initial stages is difficult. Often, students may be reluctant to participate, considering it an extra burden. This reluctance can indirectly affect the trust of parents in these programs.
  • Trend adaptation: Keeping up with the rapidly changing trends in the educational system and emerging career options can be complicated. As new fields and technologies develop, schools must continually update their career counselling programs.
  • Technical challenges: Implementing new technology to measure the effectiveness of career counselling and assess student needs is complex. Schools must invest not only in the necessary technology but also in training staff to use it effectively.
  • Inadequate infrastructure: Schools without the necessary infrastructure cannot effectively implement career counselling programs. Without proper facilities, schools struggle to deliver and develop these programs successfully.


We’ve explored the challenges schools face in providing career counselling. Now, let’s discover practical ways to integrate these programs in schools.

Integrating Career Counselling in Schools

Here are key strategies for integrating career counselling into schools. Let’s expand on each one:

1. Career Counselling Presentations

Hosting a career counselling presentation serves as a smart investment in student growth. These sessions introduce students to various career options and help them explore different paths. These interactions demonstrate that the schools are forward- thinking and committed to the success of their students beyond academics. .

However, merely holding presentations or hosting one-day seminars fails to constitute successful career counselling. Effective career counselling involves constant approach, support and guidance with regular sessions. Schools build strong relationship by conducting career counselling presentations with parental involvement.


2. Career Assessments

An important aspect of career counselling is career assessments. These tests assess the interests, skills and personal attributes, helping to easily identify potential career paths. In turn, this enables schools to create targeted teaching methods.

Gathered test results form the foundation for one-one career counselling sessions. Regular assessments track student growth and provide live reports for parents. By offering, career assessments schools promote themselves as a place that offers more than curriculum.


3. One-on-One Career Counselling

The goal of career counselling is to help career counsellors address the specific needs of students. This approach ensures that each student gets individual attention, strengthens the school’s role as a mentor. Early detection of student challenges is crucial. These challenges may include academic, skill shortfall and or social issues. Schools can differentiate the challenge of each student by offering one-one personalized career counselling.

By providing personalized guidance schools build trust with both students and parents. This trust fosters positive word of mouth, which is one of the most powerful ways of branding.


4. Student Portfolio Building

A key part of career building is developing a portfolio that reflects just more than academics. Schools or school management should initiate activities that benefit both student and the school.

These activities can include internships, field visits and participation in Olympiad exams. They play a crucial role in building a student’s profile. Additionally, schools can encourage participation in extra-curricular activities that lead to leadership roles or volunteering opportunities, further enhancing student’s profiles.

  • Internships: Internship programs offer the most valuable experiences of their selected career. Schools can partner with local businesses and industries. This collaboration enables students to gain expertise in their field of interest.
  • Field trips: Regular visits to industries, universities or research centers provide students with practical exposure to various career environments.
  • Olympiad exams: Participation in competitive exams demonstrates the school’s commitment to upbringing excellence among students. Olympiad exams not only sharpen problem-solving skills also build competitive edge.

These activities not only help students understand the demand for various career. They also enhance their portfolio in multiple dimensions.


5. Career Fairs

Career fairs are annual events where school professionals invite experts of various industries or higher education institutions and vocational training centers. Career fairs give opportunity to students to interact directly with professionals in their chosen careers. Students can ask questions and explore options related to their careers first-hand. By serving as a bridge between students and the real world, career fairs expose them to a wide range of career options. Schools can showcase their partnership with industries and higher educational institutions at these career fairs. Furthermore, career strength ties between schools, parents and wide community.

Edumilestones Career Lab

Edumilestones create a complete ecosystem of career counselling in schools. This ecosystem consists of programs that benefit students, teachers, and schools. Career Lab program by Edumilestones is an ideal subject finder and an ideal career finder. The multidimensional career assessment combined with career info metrics help students find the ideal career easily. Plus, they can access 300+ virtual internships and explore over 200+ of career options.

      • For students from grade 6- 12, Edumilestones offer induction program to introduce students into various career options. As a part of this program, Edumilestones offer psychometric assessments that play a crucial role in helping students to identify their strengths and interests. Each assessment provides detailed reports that cover five key dimensions:
      • Personality: Evaluates the students character.
      • Career interest: Helps students discover the field they are passionate about.
      • Learning style: Enables teachers to adapt their teaching methods.
      • Motivators: Identifies what motivates students.
      • Skills and aptitude: Showcases students potential.

Virtual internships and 10 career informatics’ groups allow students to gain practical experience. Edumilestones also provide career explanation webinars, which broaden students understanding of various career paths. International Admission guidance is offered to 12th grade students for higher education opportunities.


    • For teachers, Edumilestones Career Lab offers a robust tool kit to enhance their career counselling skills and support students effectively. Teachers are offered career counselling certification programs (BCPA &CCA), which provide resources and knowledge. They offer in-house career counselling process setup.
    • This ensures that teacher implement strategies within their schools. To guide teachers through their way of training dedicated mentors are available. Edumilestones provide quarterly knowledge updates to keep teachers informed about latest trends in career counselling. Finally, a three-day training career counselling program is offered to teachers to help refine their skills.


    • For schools, Edumilestones Career Lab provides schools with an analytical dashboard to assess and advance career counselling efforts. This dashboard includes tools for career trend analysis, helping educators understand the rising possibilities. It offers subject distribution analysis to help school understand how many students are interested in each subject.
    • Career reports are offered for all the students, along with a career counselling impact analysis. Additionally, Edumilestones helps school strengthen their branding by providing Career Lab Enabled School Certificate.


Edumilestones is a recommended choice because of its excellence in the field of career counselling. In 2023, the organization won several prestigious awards. They include:

    • Best Career Platform from Education Innovation
    • Transformational Indian Leaders from World Brand Affairs
    • Asian Education Awards 2023 for being pioneers in career counselling technology




In a rapidly changing world, schools must integrate effective career counselling programs. This is essential, not just beneficial. It is essential for the upbringing student’s success and institutional growth. Schools that prioritize career counselling take a significant step ahead in the competitive educational landscape. By investing in career counselling, schools shape the future of the students. They also secure their legacy as institutions dedicated to the best education and fostering lifelong success.

Career counselling in schools can effectively boost brand recognition and credibility while making a positive social impact. To achieve these benefits schools should consider Edumilestones Career Lab, a leader in innovative career counselling.

Cathrin Anthony


Cathrin Anthony is a passionate content writer specializing in education and career counseling.

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